Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pinterest Night on TV

Fox 28 interview

Today I had the privilege of being on a local TV station's morning news talking about Pinterest Night. It was such an amazing experience and it reminds how blessed I am to have the job that I do.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Introducing us!

You're probably thinking who are these Owens. Well this is us. Eli and I (Martha) were married on June 27, 2015 after dating for 2 years. We met at church and well to be honest I may have turned him down once before but that just add to our beautiful love story. 

I often refer to Eli and I as Eugene and Rapunzel from Tangled. I know it's crazy but we are Disney fanatics. 

This is Eli! He works hard to provide for our family and hopes to one day be an inspiring writer. So that day when he writes his book and publishes it run to the book store and purchase it! :) 

This is me! Yes, I had Rapunzel hair for our wedding and sadly with the help of extensions but I do have long hair in real life. I'm a crafter (I love PINTEREST!) by night and a museum curator by day! 

We have two "kids", George and Harriet. George is the Siamese and Harriet is the Calico. I'll share their story in October as it's their birth month and they are turning 3. They are my babies so Eli knew what he was getting into when he married me. 

That is pretty much a run down of our little family. We love to be adventurous and find new places to go or just bum around the house playing video games or watching a movie. We have a rule in our house though..."If it was a book first the book must be read before you can watch the movie." :)