Sunday, December 20, 2015

A year end update!

I know, I know these things are typically seen in letters sent by mail, but we live in the 21st century so here we go. It's been quite the year for us with the obvious change being our marriage on the 27th of June. The honeymoon we spent up in a cabin in Michigan City which would have been fine if it weren't for the Klingons invading. Fortunately both Martha and I are blaster certified and were able to defend ourselves. Unfortunately the city itself is lost now and believe under Klingon control.

Things slowed down for a bit after we moved into our new apartment. Until the Avengers moved in next door shortly afterwards. Needless to say the parking lot was a constant battleground. It would have been okay if they didn't make George a new member of the group. I'll admit he's good at what he does though. Also, Tony Stark is a jerk and owes me $50. Word to the wise if you want nice weather keep a fully stocked fridge for Thor. Outside that they are nice neighbors to have.

Harriet has been nothing but a diva after she landed the music contract. I'll admit she has a nice set of pipes on her but she should still show some respect to us. I know it's just a phase. The kids going places regardless and we are thrilled. It helps that she also received her pilots license and can travel on her own from now on. It put a lot of miles on our cars taking her on her tours. Brutal. I'm glad that's over.

On a personal front Martha has joined the library alliance. It's fight against the illiteracy empire is currently ongoing. With her double duty of running a museum and teaching history I couldn't be more proud. As for me I finally got accepted into the Jedi Order. The waiting period takes months because they have multiple background checks with psychological screenings to make sure you don't fall to the dark side. I passed and already know how to lift a car with my mind. Exciting times ahead.

All in all it's been a very eventful six months and we have definitely been blessed. We are all looking forward to the new year. Merry Christmas from the Owens.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Happy Birthday Month George and Harriet!!!!!

Sorry it's been over a month since my last blog post. Our little family has been busy. Hopefully soon we will go back to normal.

October marks a month of milestones for our little babies well they are three now so they aren't so little anymore.

George and Harriet are turning three this month and we always celebrate because I (Martha) almost lost them when they were younger.

On November 7, 2012, I brought in these two cold little baby kitties that caught my attention and wouldn't leave my mind. I had to sneak them into the house because my parents didn't want any kitties in the house. From that moment on, I became the only mommy they've ever know.

George and Harriet were 2 weeks old at the time and we thought we were going to lose them because they wouldn't drink out of bottles at first. They were cold and hungry and so tiny. We made it through that first night and never looked back.

Note: For some reason Luke Bryan helped them sleep through the night.

When Eli entered as more than a friend George took to him immediately and loved going over to his house for sleep overs. He now loves his guy time with Eli. Harriet on the other time it took Eli a little bit more time to win over her little heart but he did it. 

Miss Harriet has a personality all her own. She loves to talk and makes sure if she agrees with you or not. She loves cuddles and Luke Bryan. She became very sick over a year ago and we almost lost her but Eli and I took her to the emergency vet where Eli held her as she was scared and didn't know quite what was going on. (I think that's when he won over her little heart) She loves pushing the limits in what she can do and she loves helping around the apartment too even if she can't quite grasp what she needs to be doing. 

George is more quite and reserved. Apartment life is starting to agree with him and he only hides if he's really scared or if the dog from across the street comes over and scares him. As he gets older he gets more lazy but he still has time to play with his sister. He loves cuddling and going for walks. He can give you attitude if he wants. :) 

I really don't know what I would do without my comic relief. When Eli works nights, they're my constant companions. They are our stress relievers and brighten up our days. They are spoiled beyond comprehension but are well loved. God knew what he was doing when he gave me a soft spot for animals.

It's going to be another good year my babies. It's been a big year for you and you've taken it with class. Moving and having Eli in our lives forever. :) I'm so thankful for the two of you! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pinterest Night on TV

Fox 28 interview

Today I had the privilege of being on a local TV station's morning news talking about Pinterest Night. It was such an amazing experience and it reminds how blessed I am to have the job that I do.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Introducing us!

You're probably thinking who are these Owens. Well this is us. Eli and I (Martha) were married on June 27, 2015 after dating for 2 years. We met at church and well to be honest I may have turned him down once before but that just add to our beautiful love story. 

I often refer to Eli and I as Eugene and Rapunzel from Tangled. I know it's crazy but we are Disney fanatics. 

This is Eli! He works hard to provide for our family and hopes to one day be an inspiring writer. So that day when he writes his book and publishes it run to the book store and purchase it! :) 

This is me! Yes, I had Rapunzel hair for our wedding and sadly with the help of extensions but I do have long hair in real life. I'm a crafter (I love PINTEREST!) by night and a museum curator by day! 

We have two "kids", George and Harriet. George is the Siamese and Harriet is the Calico. I'll share their story in October as it's their birth month and they are turning 3. They are my babies so Eli knew what he was getting into when he married me. 

That is pretty much a run down of our little family. We love to be adventurous and find new places to go or just bum around the house playing video games or watching a movie. We have a rule in our house though..."If it was a book first the book must be read before you can watch the movie." :) 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Coffee Bag Burlap Wreath Tutorial

Hello all! It's no secret I LOVE Pinterest!!! I even lead Pinterest Night at the Library where I work. We take blog posts and popular pins from Pinterest and do interactive nights where for $5 we provide the supplies to make these wonderful projects so you do not have to do these projects at home alone. It's magical! 

For the month of September, we partnered with the local coffee house to donate burlap coffee bags to create these beautiful burlap wreathes. This was our first Pinterest Night project and we wanted to repeat it. 

  This tutorial was inspired by The Dishy Decorator. We couldn't find one that dealt with coffee bags. 

Coffee Bag Burlap Wreath Tutorial 

 First, you'll need two coffee bags. The coffee house locally donated them to us to use but I'm sure you can find them at an antique store or by even asking your locally owned coffee house.
 Next, you'll need to cut the seams of the bag.
 This step can be skipped. You can either keep the bag closed if you are strapped for space or you can open it. Either way is fine.

 So now we are going to get to the actual construction of your wreath. You will need to measure strips 4-6 inches wide depending how wide you want your wreath to be and cut the bag(s) into strips. I cut mine at 6 inches. You'll need about 4-5 strips to make the wreath.

 Next take your hanger and if it already isn't straightened for you. You will need to take the pliers and straighten it out.

Now, fold the burlap strips accordion style (Repeat this step for each strip after step 7). If you would like to fold all of the strip at once take a rubber band and put around each strip to hold into place.

Then you take the hanger and thread the burlap onto it. 

Once you have the desired fullness, bend the hanger around the "O" (if your hanger has one). Bend it to the size that you want also.  You then twist the left over hanger back around itself. 

Now take burlap and thread it over the twisted hanger and fluff the burlap to your desired fullness. 

Next undo the "O" (if your hanger has one) and bend it over the other loop and twist around to complete the circle. Repeat step 9. 

Finished product!!! 

You can also add flair to your wreath. Flowers, Ribbon, bows..whatever you want! Make it yours and enjoy this fall wreath on your door. :) 

I hope you all enjoyed my first tutorial!! More Pinterest projects to come...:) 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


I've created this blog so you can keep up on our antics and adventures and other stuff too. ;)